Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS

BBOG PSQUARE 400x400 Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS

Is this  gradually turning into a joke?

Some other celebrities are out there in the sun protesting, only for the music duo, PSquare take photos which obviously depict that they don’t give a damn about the #BringBackOurGirls campaign.

Ok fine, before I proceed, check the photos and share your thoughts.BBOG PSQUARE5 septin911 Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS
BBOG PSQUARE4 septin911 Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS
BBOG PSQUARE3 septin911 Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS
BBOG PSQUARE2 septin911 Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS
BBOG PSQUARE1 septin911 Awesome : Check Out PSquare #BringBackOurGirls PHOTOS

Now that you’ve seen their #BringBackOurGirls photos. My question is, is #BringBackOurGirls campaign about sharing photos with the hash-tag (#BringBackOurGirls) without any epitome of seriousness or pity?

This is a state of sorrow and not what anybody should joke about, this appears to be more of mockery and its a slap from PSquare on all parties participating (Not just Nigerians) in this #BringBackOurGirls campaign.

#BringBackOurGirls is not something you will write down on exotic beach with luxury yachts at the background.

NOTE: The brothers are currently in St Lucia for the Jazz & Festival Concert.

There is God oh… I reserve my comments.

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